Female Hormone Checklist

Many of my patients have requested a listing of things they can do that will positively affect female hormone imbalances. As I tell my patients, the issue is not that there isn’t anything you can do, it’s that there is so much that can affect hormones.

I would never recommend simply taking handfuls of pills. The goal with any treatment should be to taper up, taper down, and try one thing at a time.

Here’s a short list of some of the basics:

  1. Black cohash 2-4 caps
  2. GABA 2 caps daily
  3. Multivitamin with women’s herbs (Innate Formulas one a day)
  4. Meditation 20 minutes daily
  5. Diet Brown, whole, green and colorful, no caloric restriction, no fast food
  6. Detox one day a week (vegetable stew/salads)
  7. Red meat discussion (20% increase in testosterone in two hours)
  8. Dairy discussion (cow hormones still need processing by the body)
  9. Alcohol discussion (300% increase in estrogen due to processing delay)
  10. Teas raspberry, “Yoni,” female teas
  11. Cold packs for pain/hot flashes
  12. Progesterone creams
  13. Combination creams
  14. PhytoB (4 pellets twice a day = one half a standard hormonal dose)
  15. Licorice/Ashwaghanda mix
  16. Soy (SOYI9)four caps or half a cup of soy a day
  17. Sleep discussion (90 minute cycles)
  18. Cycle discussion (temperature readings/ journaling)
  19. Exercise (adrenal/ thyroid = worse/better) helps process hormones
  20. Bowel movements per day (LIQU8) if not at least one.
  21. Family history how to avoid/get what mom had.
  22. Vitex (VITEX), Chaste Tree-one a day.
  23. Weight changes (gain or loss) alter hormonal picture
  24. Folic acid 5 mg a day (Gynecol Endocrinol. 2010 Sep;26(9):658-62.)
  25. Tyrosine 500mg a day (Actas Urol Esp. 2009 Apr;33(4):337-43.)
  26. 5 HTP 50-600mg a day (Serotonin involvement)

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